Deb Miller

Forget the Fairy Tale and Find Your Happiness
Forget the Fairy Tale and Find Your Happiness is a memoir by author, mother and business leader, Deb Miller. Deb grew up in a small town in Southern Indiana and attended Purdue University in 1975. Deb knew her path – go to college, get an education, and find a husband during her four year stay. As with many young women in that era, Deb’s happily-ever-after was to become a wife and mom.  In her first semester she met her prince charming, Scott Miller, the first love of her life. After college, ‘ScottnDeb’ married and started a family, and later built their dream home in Indianapolis. At a time when gender norms were changing, Deb excelled in the business world, whereas Scott preferred a more domestic life. In the mid-1980’s, Deb hosted a Russian tennis coach named Sergei in her home, and soon developed an interest in Russian enterprise. She began to help Sergei and other Russian entrepreneurs to make business deals in America. When her marriage to Scott ended, she began a relationship with Sergei. Now a successful businesswoman, Deb had to navigate a new career, a turbulent new relationship, and new motherhood.
Forget the Fairy Tale and Find Your Happiness by Deb Miller is a modern, feminist memoir, which will inspire and uplift women of all ages to follow their own path. Deb grew up believing that the path to happiness was to find a ‘prince’ and she uses the evolution of the Disney princesses as a metaphor for her own journey: from the passive, helpless, Disney princesses of yesteryear; to the strong, independent, warriors that broke free from traditional roles. Like the modern Disney princesses, Deb discovered that the road to happiness was not paved by men, and carved out her own path.
Deb Miller’s writing is crisp and conversational, blending personal anecdotes with insightful commentary on gender roles. It is a powerful and empowering memoir for women of all ages – fans of Disney princesses and readers of feminist literature.  It is also a timely reminder that equality for women is still a work in progress, and more needs to be done to challenge gender stereotypes and discrimination.
Star rating: 5 StarsÂ
Summary: A modern, feminist memoir, which will inspire and uplift women of all ages to follow their own path.