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Linda Harkey

Linda Harkey

Chatty the Hen Pheasant: Travels with the Pack

Nassau finds an unusual and extremely talkative specimen hidden under the snow, by author Linda Harkey

Cimaroc Lucky Nassau (or Nassau for short) is a Labrador Retriever, and a fearless hunter. One day, whilst out hunting pheasant with his owner the ‘Great One,’ there is a ferocious snowstorm. Nassau is separated from his owner, but undeterred he carries on the hunt alone. He sniffs out a pheasant under the snow and dives in head-first to retrieve the specimen. As Nassau pulls it out of the snow, he is presented with a rather strange – and extremely chatty - bird. Nassau carefully holds the bird between his teeth and begins his search for the ‘Great One.’ But the ‘Great One’ isn’t too pleased with Nassau’s discovery because he has inadvertently captured a hen pheasant, which is protected from hunting. The ‘Great One’ promptly releases the bird to the sky.

This is an entertaining and educational story about a working dog, who performs an extremely important job for his human owner. Harkey shows the close bond between human and canine, and their relationship is beautifully captured in the illustrations by Mike Minick. Children will enjoy reading this story from the dog’s unique perspective, and will laugh at his frolics in the snow and his interactions with the very chatty bird.

Whilst the bird is unharmed and released by the dogs’ owner, the pretext of this book is the hunting of pheasants to kill, which could upset or scare some young children (particularly in communities where children are not exposed to hunting). Parents reading this story might want to be prepared to answer questions about this type of activity and why it happens. The author might also want to consider adding some additional notes or resources, to support parents with those conversations.

Star Rating: 5 Stars


‘An entertaining and educational story about a working dog, who performs an extremely important job for his human owner. A FINALIST and highly recommended.’

Linda Harkey
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